Monday, December 27, 2010

Laurel is Married!

Laurel and Craig Crisafulli

My baby girl is now a married woman.  Wow, how did that happen?  Seems like in the blink of an eye she slipped into adulthood.  I have found the experience of seeing my daughter married a major passage for me as well.  I see in my minds eye, Laurel as my beautiful young child/baby and now this beautiful married woman. They are one and the same, shaped by her childhood and upbringing and metamorphosed into her own womanhood, making the choices in the her life that she feels suits her the best.  What a privilege to be allowed to see this happen with Laurel. It is bittersweet for me as the loss of this for Jonah is even more acute.  It makes seeing Laurel grow in her life even more of a blessing. Laurel married a great guy, Craig Crisafulli.  Laurel organized the entire wedding and she pulled it off wonderfully.  Craig's family were great support and organizers as well. Here are a few photos.

Laurel at the Bachelorette party....I wonder if she ever wore this sexy nighty??

Laurel waiting for the ceremony to begin.
Laurel and Craig posing for the post wedding pics!  I love this shot.

Laurel and Craig at the alter.  It was a beautiful August summer day.

Laurel and her cousins, Kevin, Kari, Halle and Maddy.

Radiant Laurel

The support team!  Kari and Susan with Laurel. 
OK, I had to put one in of Laurel and me.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Melonie Signing Off for Now

OK, I leave for San Diego in 48 hours for our new adventures at sea....for more details see our new blog.  I guess the Down Under site will be pretty quiet for the next couple of months.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kunghur Creek Python

Holding on to the empty snake head

When we returned to our home in Kunghur Creek from the airport, Susan found this snake skin under our back stairs. When I picked it up, the skin was still moist and coiled up (It was a bit smelly also). I uncoiled the snake skin and it turned out to be over 7 feet long. The pattern in the skin looks like a Carpet Python. YES!! It is good to have this snake around as they keep the bush rats under control around the house, which also keeps the very poisonous brown snakes away, as there is no food for them. I took the flashlight under the house in my quest to see the real thing, but could not find it. It might be up on the roof. I hope to get a look at this beauty soon. Susan still has not touched the skin!

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Daughter is Getting Married!

Laurel is getting married on August 28, 2010. This is huge news and she is busy putting together the plans for the wedding. Craig Crisafulli is the luckiest guy on the planet, and I get another SON! Laurel is very happy, and I am so excited for her as she moves on with her life.

Laurel and I bought her wedding dress two weekends ago (NO, I cannot post the photos of her trying on her wedding dress before the wedding, but believe me I will post them after! And like a proud mom, she is BEAUTIFUL) I am learning more and more about weddings and also trying to stay out of Laurel's way and what she wants. I found out I need to buy a "mother of the bride" dress for this afternoon, summer, outdoor wedding, off we went to the shopping mall. We never found ANYTHING that either one of us liked, but we had fun pulling out the ugly dresses and laughing.

Here are some photos of our fun with the dresses!

This looked like a "respectable" mother dress, so we thought we would try it on. We did scare Craig when we told him with both bought the same dress to wear to the rehearsal dinner.... :)
NOPE!!! Looks like I will need to look at other respectable options! YEA!

Laurel looks much better in the old lady dress than I do!
OK, we had to keep going, this is one of many BAD photos I took on the many BAD dresses we saw. NOPE this one won't do either!

I am looking forward to sharing this wedding experience with Laurel and to expanding our family. Welcome Craig

Monday, February 15, 2010

8+ Years of S and M

It seems fitting on Valentines Day to put together a blog of photo history of part of our 8+ years together!

First Date on a hike at Mt. St. Helens. Fall, 2001

Pacific Beach Hike, Fall 2002

Kakadu, Australia. April, 2003

Portland, July 2003

Mexico, Oct 31, 2003

Lake Tahoe, February, 2004

San Francisco, Calif. Feb. 2004

Mt Rainer, July 2004

Washington DC. Fall 2004

Whitsundays, Australia, January 2005

Seattle to Portland Bike Ride July, 2005

Olympia, Wash. Summer 2005

Mt St Helens Summer 2005

Amazon Peru January 2006

February, 2006 (Boston fundraiser for Amazon Promise)

Oregon Coast Fall 2007

Byron Bay, Australia. April 2008

Olympia, July 2008

New Years, 2010 Australia
Happy Valentines Day!!

My Tan is Quickly Fading!

My home and property in Olympia

Back to the Beautiful Pacific Northwest!!
Grey skies with the occasional hint of blue, accented with lots of rain.
While Susan is back home in Australia stomping grapes, I am living in my fifth wheel trailer again in Olympia while I am here for five weeks of work. I have settled back into the grove of M-F work schedule. I am very grateful for my job with Group Health and my ability to work when I return. I LOVE using my brain again, critical thinking challenges and seeing the frail old folks again who so appreciate the care they receive. With this said, I am also looking forward to sleeping in again when I get back to Australia! I only wish I had the ability to work there as a Nurse Practitioner or for that matter even as an RN. I will keep the blog posted with my nursing registration quest in Oz!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Winemaking -- The First Step

Hi everyone, this is Susan. I feel a little responsible for keeping up the Down Under blog while my beloved Melonie is in the U.S.

Tomorrow I'm going on a solo road trip. Yay! Anyway, I couldn't bear the thought of all those beautiful volunteer muscatel grapes out the back going rotten (or being eaten by the carroway birds!), so below are some photos of my first attempt at crushing grapes ... all 11 kgs! ... the hope being that I'll have time to take the frozen juice I made and turn it into some organic red wine. Yum! At least, that's the hope!

Picked and ready for washing and de-stemming.

It took some time to get rid of the stems and separate the unripe green muscatels. Hoping the greenies will ripen off the vine and I can crush them, too, in a few days.

Sanitized the bucket, washed my feet, and climbed on in. The first step was the squishiest! Lovely! Friend Sabi turned up just in time to take the photo!

I must admit that around this time, I was thinking about my old life in Seattle, wondering about all my friends working in offices while I was in the Aussie bush playing with grapes! (BTW, that's Buddha's teddy, not mine.)

Super juicy! Got about a gallon after we poured this through some clean muslin. Not bad for free grapes! And the vine is still laden with more yet to ripen. Ho boy, tho, very time consuming and messy!

Now I need to find the right recipe for a nicely alcoholic, preferably dry red. I might wait for Melonie to return before taking next steps. You know, for some extra confidence. It's a bit hot to start fermentation right now anyway.

Say, thanks Karen and Sara for your advice and inspiration!


Hey hey! Look what's coming up in our woods after all the rain! Beautiful! And no, I don't plan on eating any (although I can't say the same for some of my crazy Aussie friends...)

Not sure if these are hallucinogenic ...

But these definitely are!

A little phallic, eh?

They sure love growing in the cow shit.

Interesting little fella. Kinda like a chantrelle?

Looks like something might hatch outta here.