Friday, February 27, 2009

Black Snake Walk

Went for a walk the other night with Susan and it became dusk as we returned home.  The long steep driveway is surrounded by many trees and ferns.  As we walked on, I remembered the "snake witching hour" from Peru--dusk!  Just as we were talking about needed to look out for snakes, one slithered across the road in front of me. There was not pause in it's travel as I am sure it wanted nothing to do with me either.  It was probably a black snake. 
 Here are some "Amazing Facts" about the Black Snake!
The Red Bellied Black Snake is a dangerous snake species found in Australia. It is a red bellied snake, and black on top, hence the name. It inhabits mainly the east coast of Australia, close to a source of water. They can grow up to 1.5 metres in length. This snake usually gives birth to about 20-40 live snakes at one time.
The bite of a Red Bellied Black Snake is very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.  

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