Ready to work -- Tony, Frank, Melonie and Susan. (Carolyn was taking the photo!)
Tony, Frank and Susan at work!
Every couple of weeks in the summer it's time to mow and trim the grounds at Woodstock. The job typically takes two people two days, involving lots and lots of weed-wacking -- called "whipper-snippering" or "brushcutting" here.
HOWEVER, lucky for us, three wonderful friends routinely volunteer to come over for a work party in exchange for a good BBQ. Tony, Frank and Carolyn live on the Gold Coast and bring their whipper-snippers and work gloves.
Today was an extra-special day as we got to christen Woody’s brand new, self-propelled lawn mower! It was an exciting event out here in the bush! A lot of the land is on a slope, so this new piece of equipment made it a breeze. Well, what really made it a breeze was Tony mowing the lawn! The rest of us trimmed, brush cut, pruned trees and drank beer. The place looks fabulous again.
One downside to working in the grass and brush in this kind of jungle humidity are the leeches. Everyone but me and Susan got a leech or two on them today. I am including several photos of the leeches on Carolyn’s toe. She usually pours salt on her’s and they just drop off.
Speaking of salt, the BBQ was delicious! Savory, to say the very least. Susan put on steaks and veggie patties, potatoes and green onion and made a big salad (see photo below!). I made a “bush” version of a banana cream pie. We didn't have some of the ingredients, like vanilla, so I substituted with rum and made a no-bake crust out of what ever “biscuits” (cookies) I could find, which happened to be ginger snaps. I was able to use up many of our ripe bananas and we had a tasty dessert as well.
Fixing the Woodstock gate.
Frank, Tony, Carolyn and Susan at the creek cooling their feet after a good day of hard work.
Carolyn, Susan and Melonie resting at the creek.
Carolyn in fine form with a leech attached to her toe.
A closer look at the leech.
BBQ food. Yummy!
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