Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another Resident Snake

OK, I have finally seen the resident Red-Bellied Black Snake (poisonous) .  Susan has been telling me there is one that lives under Woody's house, but until now it was just another "Australian bush" story.  Susan went out to cover up the generator with a tarp and the Black snake was under it.  She left it alone and came for reinforcements!  I grabbed my camera and a long handled shovel.  We talked about if we should kill it or move it away.  Apparently these snakes have a territory and it would return if simply moved. We now have this little puppy who likes to explore all spaces outside, and this snake would kill him right away if bitten.  In the end, I simply took photos, and shooed it away.  He crawled under the washing machine I think, which is under Woody's house.   I hope the snake can live peacefully under the house and leave us alone and I hope it was not a mistake to not kill it.

Internet Facts:
The red-bellied black snake's head is barely distinguishable from the body as there is no obvious constricted neck area. This snake is dangerously venomous but bites are rare because it is usually a placid and fairly docile snake, preferring to enact a lengthy bluff display with flattened neck and deep hisses rather than bite. It grows to a length of 2.5 metres, and is a very distinctive snake because of its simple and unvarying coloration. The upper surface of this snake is glossy black while the belly is light pink to brilliant red.

1 comment:

RonaldK said...

Red Bellied Black snakes - mmmm I would not necessarily call them docile or placid, they will have a go if they feel cornered or confronted or if you are between it and where it wants to please be v/careful especially as you are in a hot will be v/active...