Thursday, November 5, 2009

Animal Life in the Bush

Morning in OZ

Most of the time when I get up in the morning at the Kunghur house, there are many wallabies hanging around outside our windows. I feel like I'm in a Dr Seuss book sometimes with the snakes, echidnas, birds, cows, calves and the wallies. Susan describes it as us being in the fishbowl and the animals peering in, wondering what we're doing, what we'll do next, etc. I feel truly privileged to be living in this spot and am enjoying true bush living.

Echidna curled up in backyard

Wally bouncing along. Bounce... bounce...

A family of cows, frequently around the house like a Gary Larsen cartoon! We do have a fence around our yard, so the cow pies stay just outside the gate and fence. Come to think of, it does smell like a barn out here.

One rough mama!


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